Monday, August 25, 2014

6th friend party for Sid

Our adorable middle child wants to do everything her big sister can do. 
And that includes birthdays. 
In anticipation of her birthday in early September, Sidney was begging for a "friend" party. Regan started getting "friend" parties at age 6, so Sidney thought she deserved one too. And had plans to do it at Pump It Up....until her awesome parents decided that paying for a party for 15 kids at the start of kindergarten when she won't know ANY kids in her class, just wasn't a good idea. And so, we opted for a pool party with her current High-5 class friends. 

Once I got her to buy into the idea of a pool party, and forget about going to Pump It Up, she jumped right on board. We couldn't have asked for better weather...90 and humid. PERFECT pool weather!
We got a fun idea to let the kids decorate their own cupcakes instead of doing a cake. And it was like a craft idea with a snack and cake all rolled into one!

Unfortunately, 2 of her good friends weren't able to make it as they fell ill on the weekend of the party :( Darn summer illnesses! But these guys had so much fun and everyone played so nicely together. It really was a great afternoon. 

Sid picked out a Frozen pinata and each kiddo took a whack at it before big brother Tyler knocked it down and we ended up just dumping it out.
The little kids were so polite and nice as they shared their loot of candy, making sure everyone got the same amount. 

And what's a birthday party without your 3 bestest friends: 
Madilyn, Sidney and Natalie
They're like the 3 musketeers these girls.
Sidney handed out 2 little BFF necklaces and they all wore them proudly after the party had ended and the other guests had left. 
So glad we are able to keep seeing each other as the girls each head to different schools this fall, they'll join up weekly for dance class. 
And they are so. stinkin'. excited. 

Happy Birthday party weekend sweet Sidney!

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