Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Big day with the MN Vikings

Earlier this month, we received one of those mass-generated phone calls from Regan's school. They come about once/month, reminding us parents about upcoming school events, safety reminders in the parking lot, conferences, you know the drill. This particular phone call caught my attention quickly as it went something like this: "....and at the end of the month, we will be getting a visit from FOUR Minnesota Vikings players to talk to us about bullying". 
It wasn't the bullying that really caught my attention, though I do believe it is a very very important topic, and I'm incredibly happy to know her school takes this issue seriously. 
I have to be honest, it was the fact that FOUR Minnesota Vikings were coming to her school to deliver the message that grabbed my attention. 
I was so excited for her! Keep in mind, we like us some football in this house. 
So today was the big day. I have spent many nights talking to her about bullying (we don't seem to have this issue and I'd like to keep it that way), so she knew what the topic was about. Then we decked her out in Vikings gear and sent her off. 
She came home telling us all about the players, who was big and tall and one that seemed to be "a lot smaller" than the others. I think she was pretty star-struck too. Then she showed me her autographs! 
Needless to say, I think Joe Webb, Harrison Smith, Robert Blanton and Jamarca Sanford made an impact on her. She got the message about bullying and I'm happy her school found a very creative way to deliver this message. 

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