Wednesday, August 29, 2012

School preparations

This week is a full moon. We know that because Regan's emotions tend to ebb and flow with the moon. It never fails. You would believe it if you lived with her. Wowzas she's on a roll lately. I first gave her the benefit of the doubt with the whole "school starts next week, let's chalk it up to nerves". But holy moly she's like a calendar when it comes to that moon. So lately she's overly dramatic, extra whiney and not much can make her happy when she's in one of those "states". Ugh, it's exhausting. Good thing we love her so much!
Speaking of school, tomorrow we get to meet her first grade teacher and check out the classroom. Grandma Sheri took her clothes shopping a couple of weeks back.....
I think she has enough clothes to never have to wear an outfit twice!

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