Friday, November 11, 2011


I get the pleasure of spending Fridays with Sidney. Just Sidney. She makes me laugh, this sweet girl. She's full of energy, language and lots of love.
Some of my favorite Sidney moments include:

* her very natural way of giving compliments, whether it's about clothes, food or home decorating. She tosses them out regularly and actually means them.

* the amazing way she can entertain herself for hours and hours. Her favorite playtime activity includes lining up (over 30) babies and putting them to bed.

* her simple fears which make her cling to me like I can save her from anything.

* but the ability to be strong and overcome those fears.

* the way she loves her sister, wanting to tell her all about her day, listening intently and asking questions about Regan's school adventure.

* her ability to hold a conversation with an adult; i.e. asking someone how their day at work went, and then waiting for an answer so she can build the conversation. Seriously, she's only 3!
* her hugs and snuggles that light up my world!

Now if only I could get her to sleep past 6am we'd be in real good shape!

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