Grandma Sheri was fortunate to spend her birthday watching the girls (...she calls herself fortunate!). By the looks of the pictures, they had a glorious day!
They started the morning by going sledding at our local sledding hill. Unfortunately, Regan didn't quite trust grandma/grandpa to steer her away from the teenage built jumps in the hill and only went down once.

However, they spotted the nearby playground and given the gorgeous sunny day, they opted to spend an hour playing on the equipment instead.

At two years old, Sidney gets stuck a lot in this deep Minnesota snow. If you're lucky enough to be with her outdoors, you're also lucky enough to carry all 25 lbs (plus 10 lbs extra in winter gear), through deep, heavy snow as she refuses to walk in it.
I call it good exercise.

This girl can spot a swing from a mile away. She's big enough to enjoy a regular swing too, thanks to a lot of extra practice from our indoor swing.

After lunch and a nap, I'm told the celebration continued indoors with a dance party! (Yes, Regan is in her dance leotard as she does actually attend classes on Monday afternoons).

The rest of the family joined in the fun with dinner at Grandma's choice of restaurant: Lucky's 13! Even Shane and Amy joined us...and on time!! Shane impressed us all :)
Sidney is missing from this photo, as she still has a phobia to Uncle Shane. And if you're wondering, yes, she still calls her sister "Uncle Shane" when Regan's doing something that Sidney doesn't approve.
Happy Birthday Grandma Sheri!
We love you!
We love you!

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