10 comments about 2010
Sidney got tubes, we all got a little more sleep.
The princess of the bunch turned 4 and became more of a diva than we ever thought possible.

We said goodbye to our first home!
The next day we bought a new bigger house and it comes with a beautiful view!!
Regan enjoyed gymnastics, dance, t-ball and swimming lessons which depletes our check book but brings smiles all around.
We kept stable employment (though not without a lot of stress).

Ryan became my very own pool boy and gave us some good laughs with his tricks
Our girls became excellent swimmers and experts at pool safety in a matter of weeks.
The baby of the group turned 2 complete with the best darn
Elmo cake I have ever seen and was potty trained just in time.
We continue to be blessed with the best family and friends anyone could ask for.
Here's hoping 2011 brings many more memories!
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