The newest addition to our family arrived on Monday! Her name is Berta and she'll be cleaning for us :) Cleaning our pool that is! We tested out her abilities yesterday and she did an amazing job sweeping the bottom and sides of our pool while we watched from the deck, then inside the house, then went about our business until she finished. We really love Berta! Hopefully she'll be around for years to come!

And while Berta worked, Ryan opted to empty the skimmers (those white plastic squares on the pool deck that we all walk on not understanding their function). We inherited this pool when we bought the house. We knew it wasn't going to be all roses. Ryan found that out yesterday when he found a dead mouse floating in the skimmer. Keep in mind, 5 years ago, my husband would yell for me to come kill a spider or centipede. Not anymore. He knows the rules of this pool; those skimmers are HIS domain! We agreed early on, I clean the toilets, he cleans the skimmers. So after starring at his critter for a few seconds, he did the brave act by picking out the basket and tossing Mr Dead Mouse #1 in the garbage.

We know there will be many more where that one came from! and snacks, frogs and squirrels too. Not to mention all the general bugs and tree debris.
But owning a pool is fun, right!
Don't forget about Berta at Christmas time. She will deserve one heck of a bonus for all her hard work!
You seriously found a mouse in the white square thing? Eeewww!!!! Does that mean it was in the pool at some point?
Likely at some point. Oh the joys of owning a pool :) Ryan's coworker found a squirrel in hers! A squirrel! How the heck it got into the skimmer is beyond me.
OMG-GJ says, You did not have to take a picture of the critter....
My mom is going to crap her pants when she sees this!!!! There is no one more terrified of mice than her!! I bet you she even squeals at just the sight of the picture! You may have lost a future guest!
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