It is unbelievable to see how much Regan has changed over the past few months. She has gone from uttering words to completing 3-4-5 word sentences! Her favorite sentences are "I blow out" referring to the candles or "I turn on {or off}" referring to the lights. She's fascinated with candles and she's constantly reminding us that they are hot~smart girl!
We've put potty training on the back burner with everything else going on. I did tell her if she went potty on the big girl potty, she would get a chocolate. This was her translation--go potty in her diaper, get a chocolate. She approached me and stated "go potty now, get chocolate"...nice try my dear; it didn't work; right idea, wrong location. You'd think with her love of flushing the toilet, she'd want to put something of her own in there?! And I don't mean a toy!
It's so much fun to watch her read her own books these days and point out all the flowers and animals. Tonight she made the sound of a turkey for the first time...we're getting ready for Thanksgiving! Last year on Thanksgiving, she took her first steps; I don't think she'll top that this year, but we never know!
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