It's getting harder and harder to take these pictures because Regan won't sit next to the sign, but we're determined to keep taking them until she's 18 months (or at least that's our goal!). At 16 months, she's saying more words than we can count, running all over the house and getting into everything! Her least favorite thing to do is ride in the car (too confining) and her favorite things to do are swim in the new pool outside or go for a wagon ride, well, and usually eat! She now repeats nearly everything we say...so watch out! Thankfully she (we) haven't said anything she shouldn't say. She also points out everything she sees, especially puppies and babies (what a little girl!). The funniest thing she does is cry in empathy when she hears another baby crying; it's actually quite funny to watch/hear! We've been spending the last few hot/humid days swimming in the pool and running around in swimsuits! This weekend we've also been watching some softball games in Shakopee (Logan and Hope are both playing); Regan would prefer to run or talk with the girls instead of actually watch, but we can't expect anything more from our social butterfly!
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