Grandma and Grandpa Friederich bought Regan a new kitchen for Christmas and it's definately one of her favorite new toys. We made a wise decision and ended up assembling the huge toy in our living room and it's staying right there for now. Given it's the most played with toy right now, it didn't make sense to hide it in the basement. We love watching as she cooks up eggplant, asparagus and a DQ ice cream cake all in one pot! Her imagination is really at work lately!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
Christmas Eve at Nana and Papa's
We spent Christmas eve at Nana and Papa's in New Ulm. It was a wonderful evening and not your traditional Christmas eve meal...sauerkraut and dumplings!!! We were in heaven :) Regan was exceptionally well-behaved in church, I think the bribe to open presents worked well, we might have to use it more often!
Merry Christmas!
It was another rough start to the weekend as Regan unfortunately picked up a stomach bug from daycare (?or maybe she's getting her molars?). Whatever the case, Friday, Saturday and Sunday were not the best days for any of us. We did manage to open presents from Santa on Saturday morning and drive to New Ulm without much trouble at all. She adores her new art table/easel from Santa and was so excited that she refused to open the rest of her presents!! In fact, it took her over 24 hours to open her last present and that darn toy made it all the way to New Ulm with us before she actually decided she'd open it. The pics above are with her and her new art table.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Rachael Ray!
Tonight while daddy went to the Vikings game, mommy and Regan made a quick stop at the Mall of America to see Rachael Ray! She was having a book signing event and the crowd was unbelieveable. It was fun to see her, but there was no way Regan was waiting in that line to get her autograph so we took some pictures and headed home.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Shake your booty
Regan was our rock star on the dance floor at Jeff and Chrissy's wedding Saturday evening; she kicked up her heels off and on for over 2 hours! We thought she had enough around 9pm as she fell asleep while dancing with mommy, but she quickly woke up and got her "second wind". I apologize for the fuzzy picture, she was moving too fast!
A rough start
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Sharing with Elmo
Oh yea, and she's not wearing any bottoms because we're attempting potty training and it makes much less laundry when we just turn up the heat and forego wearing pants. Not much progress yet, but we're staying patient.
Saturday, December 01, 2007
We spent the first day of the first snowstorm of the season shopping, decorating our Christmas tree and of course, sledding! We only broke one ornament while decorating the tree, which is pretty good considering we only have German glass ornaments. Tonight before we laid Regan down to sleep, she had to say good night to all the ornaments ("ni-ni baby", "ni-ni house", "ni-ni football" and finally "ni-ni lights"); it was absolutely precious.
Friday, November 30, 2007
"I want this one, daddy!"
Holiday decorations
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Happy Birthday Nana!
It was a big surprise for Nana on Saturday :) After a year of planning, we finally surprised her with a big party for her 60th birthday! We started the day as though it was just any other day; playing at the park, making a cake and opening presents. We headed for dinner, or so Nana thought, and she walked into a room full of 70-some friends/family! She was definately shocked and we owe it to Regan for getting into the right room of the building (mommy needed Nana's help in the bathroom to change a poopy diaper and we happened to walk right through this room on our way to the bathroom). SURPRISE!!!!
Happy Thanksgiving!
We enjoyed Thanksgiving in New Ulm with both sides of the family; one for lunch and the other for dinner. It was a long day and Regan was pooped by the end of the night after visiting with so many people and eating so much turkey! One year ago on Thanksgiving she took her first steps, it's amazing to think how much she has accomplished since then. She continues to amaze us everyday with new words and things she can do. She's now beginning to master 'jumping' and actually getting some air under her feet; to be honest, it was more amusing to watch her jump and not go anywhere!
Monday, November 19, 2007
The Nutcracker Macy's display
We took Regan to the holiday display tonight at Macy's and the excitement in her face was worth a million dollars! She did get a little tense in the beginning as she noticed the figurines moving ever so slightly (and then the rats going round and round didn't make her any less nervous). She eased up completely towards the end when we entered the beautiful Candyland area and even got down to show us what she saw and dance to the music! We attempted to bring her in to see Santa afterwards and she wanted nothing to do with him- "No Santa" she kept saying. We slipped out and hope she'll be interested in sitting on his lap a little closer to Christmas.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Mommy's supervisor
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Saturday, November 10, 2007
We're not sure either...

We've had a lazy weekend and we're loving it! Tonight, we set out the ingredients to make chili for tomorrow's football game. Well, Regan got the idea that we were emptying out one of the "lazy Susan's". Before we knew it, she had the whole top shelf emptied out and all of its contents on the kitchen cupboard?! We kept asking her what she was doing and she'd say "I don't know" and go back to work. We had to video tape the event because it was so bizarre!
Friday, November 09, 2007
It's snowing!
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
"Mommy go in tunnel?" So that's probably a more hilarious picture than this one, but we won't go there. To please Regan, yes indeed, mommy does go in the tunnel and it's quite a sight! We have yet to convince daddy that he should go in too. Regan adores her tunnel and can keep herself occupied for quite a while, running around and around; in one side, and out the other.
Monday, November 05, 2007
November 4
It is unbelievable to see how much Regan has changed over the past few months. She has gone from uttering words to completing 3-4-5 word sentences! Her favorite sentences are "I blow out" referring to the candles or "I turn on {or off}" referring to the lights. She's fascinated with candles and she's constantly reminding us that they are hot~smart girl!
We've put potty training on the back burner with everything else going on. I did tell her if she went potty on the big girl potty, she would get a chocolate. This was her translation--go potty in her diaper, get a chocolate. She approached me and stated "go potty now, get chocolate"...nice try my dear; it didn't work; right idea, wrong location. You'd think with her love of flushing the toilet, she'd want to put something of her own in there?! And I don't mean a toy!
It's so much fun to watch her read her own books these days and point out all the flowers and animals. Tonight she made the sound of a turkey for the first time...we're getting ready for Thanksgiving! Last year on Thanksgiving, she took her first steps; I don't think she'll top that this year, but we never know!
Friday, October 26, 2007
Halloween Party!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Tonight as we were getting PJ's on, mommy started counting Regan's arm as they went into the PJ's. "One", mommy said, then suddenly "two" out of Regan's mouth, "three" said mommy, then "four" said Regan and we continued this back and forth counting until she cut me off at eight and finished to ten herself! Next we'll work on her going 1-10 all by herself.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Say 'pumpkin'!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
A sit n spin
Monday, October 08, 2007
Weekend up north

Friday, October 05, 2007
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