Spring break 2023 was a fun-filled trip to Washington DC for myself, Sidney and Grandma Jan.
It started out a bit rocky with a snowstorm in MN (side note: one of the worst storms I have ever driven in), and a cancelled flight.
Thanks to an amazing Delta agent, and a flexible job, we rebooked and in 36 hours we were on our way to sunny, warm DC!
Photos below from the trip are in absolutely no particular order.
We spent our time with Ben as our tour guide and he did not disappoint! Sidney picked out all of the places she wanted to see before we arrived and he pieced together several amazing days. There was a lot of walking during the day, and a lot of playing with his furry dogs and soaking in his hot tub in the evenings. We made some amazing memories and I'm so grateful to have this time with family.
We made it to the back-side of the White House, and then decided we should try to walk to the front. After a quick question to the FBI on the side of the House, we learned the park across the street was open and we could get our best pictures from there. I'm so proud of Sidney for letting us know she wanted to see the front, we had nearly given up on the side of the House.
My phone is filled with pictures of Sidney holding Gizmo and Lokkie.
This cutie below prefers to be held like a baby, and would sleep in our bed each night. Sidney was in complete heaven!
WWII memorial. It's more massive in person than I had remembered. All the way across on the right side is the MN statue.
Every. Single. Night.
The Baltimore Aquarium was filled with some amazing creatures. It was a nice break for Sidney who was pretty tired from all the reading at monuments, memorials and Smithsonians.
Our last day in DC we walked nearly 9 miles. In order to keep pace with the day, mom grabbed a bike and enjoyed the view on wheels instead.
smart lady
While it was windy and cold and snowy in MN, we had sun and heat (and even humidity!). Us Minnesotans loved the change of weather.
The orchids at the Botanic Gardens were a-m-a-z-i-n-g! Mom loved looking at all of them.
Although peak season for the cherry blossoms had passed, we managed to find some still in bloom. And even captured some cool pictures of them.
Pretty sure this was Day 1, and Sidney was already tired of all the reading. HA! Mom and I would read something and give her the cliff notes so she could just look at artifacts and not have to read.

My failed attempt at a picture with all of us. I set up my camera on the grassy hill (Ben and Jon were sure someone would come along and steal it). The idea was to get a photo with the Washington Monument behind us, clearly I didn't succeed.
Ben and Sidney posed nicely for me with the Lincoln Memorial beyond the reflecting pool.
Jon took us to the Van Gogh Experience while Ben tended to an emergency dental issue. We learned so much about his short life and it truly was a mesmerizing experience.
Mount Vernon brought us back to the beginning of it all, pretty amazing to walk through the grounds and see the actual home, bed he died in and desk where he worked.
There was so much more that we saw beyond these photos: Vientam Memorial, Lincoln Memorial, Holocaust Museum, National Archives (Declaration of Independence/Bill of Rights) Air & Space Museum, African-American Museum, National Mall, etc. We spent our time as complete tourists, yet knowing the great eating spots, oh and some pretty great coffee shops too thanks to Ben and Jon. Safe to say, I think we'll be back, and hopefully sooner than 10 years from now.