This picture speaks volumes....
Regan has a bit more sass and a little less sweetness as of late. We're working towards her finding her voice in this big world and us discovering a new level of patience as she develops into her own being. Don't get me wrong, she has her moments of sweetness, where she leans in for a hug, uses her most polite voice or sweetly helps Sidney with a task. Unfortunately, she has had a recent (LONG) stretch of spunkiness that includes attitude, back talk and downright disrespect. Sometimes I just have to take a deep breath.

Yesterday I attended a (very boring) seminar, but one thing I was reminded of, is that the human brain develops from back to front. I was quickly reminded that Regan's brain is not yet fully developed. Duh, right? I obviously knew this, but I was slapped in the face yesterday: she lacks full frontal lobe abilities. I talk about these things everyday at work with therapists and doctors as well as patients and families, but I had never transferred it to a developing young child. Makes perfect sense. She has difficulty understanding the consequences of her behavior (scream at my parents and I will lose privileges, as an example) and she lacks impulse control (pushing my sister out of the way because she is making me mad, another example).
Boy how I love her to pieces, but wowzas is she pushing our buttons.
I also realize that the end of the school year is upon us and that also means we (meaning me and the girls), are running around this place like chickens with their heads cut off (that reminds me of the reason I became a vegetarian....another blog post someday!). There is a giant dance recital she is preparing for, a gymnastics meet she is practicing for, ongoing swimming lessons, school parties, school picnics, track/field day, and everything in between. We are running almost every week night, and I'm gearing up to spend more time at her school in the coming 2 weeks than I am at home or work combined! Ok not really, but it sure feels that way!
Despite all of her sass and our crazy end of the year schedule, when we settle into a book at night, taking turns reading, and she drapes her legs across mine, I am reminded just how thankful I am that she calls me 'mom'.
We love you sweet Regan!