Today is 9-10-11; it also happens to be Sidney's 3rd birthday! Pretty cool. She didn't understand the importance of the numbers, but I couldn't stop thinking about how ironic it was.
This morning, as she rose at 6:20am (go figure, it's Saturday!), I looked at her and said "Happy Birthday! You are 3 today!" and with a puzzled face she said "I'm not 2 1/2 anymore?, I'm 3 now?". It's like she expected something magical to happen, or to feel different now that she was 3. I could see the wheels spinning in her head as she thought about being 3.
Once everyone was awake, we let her open presents and get to know her new iXL, or "leapster" as she calls it.

Ryan then headed out for an all day golf outing with the neighbor and I embarked on a day of fun with the girls. We first went to the park, Sidney's pick. She's been eager to get her hands back into this park when she realized that it is where Regan attends school and now plays daily. Someone was feeling left out.

But we all quickly got hot in this 80+ heat (remember, it's September in MN) and came home to swim. The clock hit 11am and my mind went back 3 years ago, when my water broke, right in my office and I sat on my garbage can. Pretty resourceful (especially for a germaphobe) :)
Today at the same time, Claire came over with more presents and we opted for lunch on the deck, mid-swim. Perfect idea on a gorgeous afternoon!

And then it was on to a 3+ hour nap for my darling girls who were clearly wiped out from all that playing and swimming. As the clock ticked to 2:59pm, the exact time she was born, I found myself right back in that hospital room. Flood of emotions :) Ryan came home and we ventured over to Rainforest Cafe. Sid was apprehensive, as she always is, but plastered on a brave face and forced herself to have fun. She loved it after the first 10 minutes on my lap...oh yea, and her $9 Icee arrived at the table.

And then we splurged some more on a ridiculously priced (and enormously sized) dessert, that we decided was warranted given it is her birthday! Click
HERE to watch as it arrived.

Tonight, as we put Sidney to bed, she said the same thing she says every night "sleep good, like I did last night?" and this time Ryan replied "no, not like last night!" because she's been sleeping poorly and coming into our bed around 11pm. I suggested she get a big girl bed like Regan and she jumped at the idea. Then I told her she had to stay in her big girl bed all night; she replied "I don't think that's a good idea". Oh well, I like my baby girl contained in her crib!
Sending you all the birthday wishes i can muster up my sweet beautiful girl!