It's a blessing to have one extra day each week with these two sweethearts. And today, like any other Friday, we made the most of our day as "just the girls". Despite needing to run a few errands, we found time to play with lots of toys and arts and spend a good deal of the afternoon outside! Here's a recap....
Regan mastered the technique of 'spray art' and made a few masterpieces; this proved too difficult for Sidney which was fine by me as she's sporting yet another terrible respiratory virus and I'd rather she not share.
Next it was on to "dress up" where clearly Sidney is ready for some sunny weather with her lei and shades (just a note, they aren't really sunglasses, those are her 3D glasses from the movie a couple weekends ago!).

After lunch with dad and a waiting for a tune up on the car, there was only a short nap from the wee one of the group; Regan remains our SUPER napper going 3+ hours on non-school days! We needed a quiet activity so play-doh it was! She is just so darn creative it really amazes me.

Finally, we made it outside! Mid-40's appears to be a temp that we can live with.
After some time in the snow, we found the color bubbles Regan received for her birthday. Color bubbles....the best invention ever!!------or not. Keep reading.

Crayola needs to stick to actual crayons/markers/paint. Their color bubbles are thick and drip everywhere and were too difficult for either girl to actually produce a bubble. Big disappointment :( Not to mention a huge mess! Sidney quickly switched to chalk.

We pulled out the typical bubbles and Regan had a great time chasing bubbles around the yard giggling and laughing as she stumbled over her snow pants and over piles of snow.

And finally a short walk to end the afternoon. Regan did an awesome job with her scooter; don't tell her pediatrician that she wasn't wearing her helmet; it's locked in the shed behind piles of snow.

Now doesn't that just exhaust you!? And yes, it's what we do every Friday:
make the most of a day as "just the girls" as Regan likes to point out.