Mondays in this house are reserved for the grandparents. While Ryan and I venture off to work, they get to spend some quality time with the girls, the only grandchildren on either side! Today they baked a raspberry pie with our very own raspberries and I heard it's yummy!, at least Sidney (and grandpa Arnie) think so!

And sometimes Grandma Sheri/Grandpa Arnie bring along an extra special someone, HUNTER! The girls simply love spending time with Hunter. She has nearly as much energy as they do and loves to keep them entertained for hours on end. With the heat today it was definitely a good day for the pool; apparently Hunter is helping develop Regan into an awesome pitcher just like she is!

And what else do we use the diving board but for fashion shows! How fun is that to have someone else willing to dress up in all the old dance costumes and feather boas! Regan is in little girl heaven. I have more pics from the day but I'm not certain Hunter would appreciate them on the blog :)