Monday, May 31, 2010
Hello new house
We did it! With a tremendous amount of help from a lot of family and friends, we moved this holiday weekend. Here's a re-cap...
Regan gave us a hand in unpacking, and while she was at it, did some decorating.

Regan's new bunk beds, loved by both girls

We bought groceries with kid-sized carts

Regan helped Grandma Sheri plant flowers :)

while Sidney took a break from all the hard work!
I was busy organizing a new toy room, main floor, just off the kitchen! I might love it more than the girls!

Before we moved, we had to say goodbye to the old house
(it looks like a sad picture but she was just mad I made her come back to the old house!)
Regan's new bunk beds, loved by both girls
We bought groceries with kid-sized carts
Regan helped Grandma Sheri plant flowers :)
while Sidney took a break from all the hard work!
And we've been here 4 days, which means 4 days of swimming! Ryan and I laughed hysterically while we installed the pool light this afternoon. That is NOT an easy job! After getting it started, my job was to hold Ryan under the water while he finished putting the screw in tight. It was quite the sight as you could imagine. But the payoff is definately worth the trouble....
Good night!
Good night!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Happy Birthday Daddy!
Daddy got one gigantic birthday present yesterday......we signed the papers for our new house (not to fret, we first signed the papers to sell the old one!). I don't think he'll ever get a bigger present than this :) We celebrated with dinner out and of course, yummy dessert (because who has a pan to bake a cake in during the middle of a move)!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Moving day #1
It's official, we're moving! Everyday I have packed up boxes, I worried something would fall through and I'd be unpacking them all in the same exact location. Thankfully that's not the case! Thanks to some AMAZING friends and family, day #1 went very smoothly.
The heaviest of items was the first out of the house, our sleeper sofa; took 4 strong guys.
Opps! Someone packed up the tote with our air mattress; that meant we slept on the floor. Ryan woke up and said "that floor was more uncomfortable than I thought it would be?" Apparently he thought a hard floor was gonna be comfy!?
Monday, May 24, 2010
Top 10
As a way to remind ourselves about this house in the future, I've opted to do the following...
Top 10 Reasons We Love(d) this house:
10. Hardwood floors are easy to clean and no need to lug out the vaccumm.
9. Every room is just the way we want it; paint, floors and light fixtures have been replaced.
8. Neighbors are great, for the most part! Gonna miss a few of them :)
7. Outdoor space; patio and driveway are perfect play areas for a family of 4. Add a play date and we've officially run out of room.
6. Watching airplanes fly overhead as they took off; we had lots of "pretend" dates to Europe, Hawaii, and anywhere we could think of.
5. Cozy kitchen (my college apartment kitchen was bigger) means everyone helps make meals.
4. Floor plan gave the girls the perfect area to chase each other around in circles on rainy and snowy days.
3. Landscaping, though not over the top, includes a lot of flowers and trees perfect for photo shoots (thankfully 2 of them are coming with us!).
2. Amazing bar in the basement, given to us as a wedding gift, has entertained countless thirsty mouths.
1. The memories, this was our first home together, where we started our family and poured our heart and sole into for over 6 years.
Here's to many more years....with much more space!
Top 10 Reasons We Love(d) this house:
10. Hardwood floors are easy to clean and no need to lug out the vaccumm.
9. Every room is just the way we want it; paint, floors and light fixtures have been replaced.
8. Neighbors are great, for the most part! Gonna miss a few of them :)
7. Outdoor space; patio and driveway are perfect play areas for a family of 4. Add a play date and we've officially run out of room.
6. Watching airplanes fly overhead as they took off; we had lots of "pretend" dates to Europe, Hawaii, and anywhere we could think of.
5. Cozy kitchen (my college apartment kitchen was bigger) means everyone helps make meals.
4. Floor plan gave the girls the perfect area to chase each other around in circles on rainy and snowy days.
3. Landscaping, though not over the top, includes a lot of flowers and trees perfect for photo shoots (thankfully 2 of them are coming with us!).
2. Amazing bar in the basement, given to us as a wedding gift, has entertained countless thirsty mouths.
1. The memories, this was our first home together, where we started our family and poured our heart and sole into for over 6 years.
Here's to many more years....with much more space!
Cute jammies!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Things we did during a very humid weekend
We wore very pretty summer outfits to keep us cool
And if it's this hot next weekend, we'll be swimming in our very own back yard pool!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Date morning
I took a break from packing this morning and took Regan on a date. We went to see Shrek and had a great time. She's such an inquisitive child and asks a lot of questions during movies which can be slightly disruptive to the rest of the theatre. I had to remind her a few times to just watch and we'd find out what happened next :)
Friday, May 21, 2010
Flashback Friday
In exactly 1 week, we will be taking the contents of this house over to our new house! I thought it would be fun to think back to when we first bought this adorable green house! Ryan hated the color from day one, which explains why it took him only 1 year of constant complaining to convince me it needed a facelift!
It sure had a beautiful blooming white crab tree in the front yard! (not to fret, the new one has a blooming pink crab tree!)

We removed wallpaper from the kitchen/dining room, this might be one of the worst jobs in the world. Note to self, never use wallpaper

And we watched as the tiniest garage in the world came crumbling down in order to build something more appropriate for this generation. I have to admit, I started the process by backing into the side while trying to avoid hitting the house as someone (not so smart) built that tiny garage in a very bad spot!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Gymnastics session ending
Tonight was Regan's final gymnastics class of the session. She has thoroughly enjoyed gymnastics classes over the past 8 months. She has learned how to do handstands, cartwheels, forward and backward rolls; now it's on to perfecting those skills. Hopefully she won't lose too much ground while we take the summer off.
Working on kicking her legs up high during hand stands
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
First Tball game
Today was Regan's very first tball game. We opted to keep her in Tball despite Ryan's desire to give up citing she was too young. She proved him wrong by paying attention for the duration of the game, running fast, chasing after the ball and.....not playing in the dirt! She smacked the ball each time she was up to bat and ran herself silly around the bases.
She got in the "ready" position....
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Rough day
It was a little bit of a rough day for everyone today. I think all the boxes, the packing and the stress has started to add up. Sidney was crying in the car, for a reason no one could figure out, and Regan finally said to her "if you don't stop crying I'm going to throw you out the window!".
She didn't stop.
But no, Regan didn't throw her out the window. We were all safely buckled into our respective seats.
She didn't stop.
But no, Regan didn't throw her out the window. We were all safely buckled into our respective seats.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Sleeping at the table
We went for lunch today 30 minutes later than usual as we were meeting a friend. In order to distract the kids (who are very in tune with set meal times), we ran a couple of errands and stopped at the park before lunch. Sidney finished her meal, set her head on the table and went to sleep :) Apparently she was exhausted from a very busy morning.

Thursday, May 13, 2010
It's official, we're moving! That sold sign has been in our front yard for roughly 3 weeks now and I'm finally starting to believe that we're moving. I've spent the last couple of weeks packing up all of our belongings and around every corner, you're sure to find a stack of boxes similar to those in this picture (which by the way, is sitting in our living room!). We have 2 weeks to finish packing, load the UHaul and venture a few miles down the road to our new place! We couldn't be more excited.
In the meantime, we're fielding a lot of questions from Regan, who seems to be a little overwhelmed at the idea of moving. She recently asked me if we'd be taking the lightbulbs with us; she moved on to asking about the fridge, and then the shelves inside the fridge. Moving has to be a difficult concept for kids, we're working hard at calming her fears and reminding her we will be moving together (and of course, that all of her toys that she never actually plays with will be joining us at our new place).
And the answer is....
Ryan's cousin, Logan! (see post below for question). It's amzing how similar they look! This is an old picture of Logan with Sidney (poor Sid is a little fearful of new people hence no recent photo). We'll be sure to get lots of pics with Logan in the coming years because she's coming to the metro for college and we couldn't be more excited for her :) She'll be just up the road from us so we plan to see a lot more of her!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
One of these girls is not like the other ones....
Monday, May 10, 2010
UMD gathering
One of Ryan's college buddies was in town from out of state so we did what we do best: get together, share some laughs, some food and of course, a few drinks :) We took some pictures along the way too...
The ladies with the kiddos.
Sunday, May 09, 2010
Happy Mother's Day!
Here's wishing a very Happy Mother's Day to all you mommy's out there! We've had a great day, headed to Como to enjoy the beautiful May morning! Here are some of our pictures.....
Sidney continues to be amazed at all the sights that Como has to offer.

Regan didn't realize this flower was going to be in the picture, she may not even have known it was there until we pointed it out to her in the picture at which time she thought it was hilarious!

Me and the girls enjoying the sun in the Sunken Garden, smelling the flowers and watching the koi fish wait for their lunch.

After the Conservatory, it was time to check out the animals! Sidney loved being at just the right height to see under all the bars. She's desperately trying to say "zebra", but it comes out a lot like "eba".
Regan was talking loudly to Sparky, asking him to do some tricks since they don't start the shows until the end of the month. He did do one flip for us :)
I didn't get a decent shot, but our favorite for the day was the monkeys again. There's a baby monkey now and it was so neat to see mommy monkey caring for him. Daddy monkey was busy too......yep, he was picking his nose and then EATING it!!! Everyone got a good laugh, but explaining that to Regan while telling her it's yucky and not nice (all through laughs) was not easy!
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