Our realtor hosted another Open House this afternoon which kicked us out for over 2 hours. Thankfully it was nice enough out to make our first trip of the season to Como Zoo :) Regan was so excited about the trip, she could hardly fall asleep during nap. Both girls practiced their best animal sounds on the drive there, which lead to a lot of "ROARS" in the cutest toddler/preschooler voices! Once we arrived, Sidney pointed at every animal and yelled "ROAR". It was so cute, every passerby commented (maybe it was the UMD bear hat that caught their eye because we had a few of those comments too!). I try to coordinate outfits for the events of our day.
Regan's highlight was the monkeys, Sidney's might have been the lion/tiger areas ("ROAR"!). She freaked when we got into the penquin areas because those darn things are inches from her face starring right at her like they're about to get her. I couldn't help but laugh when she'd turn her attention to something else and next thing you know, there's a penquin just waiting for her to turn back. She literally screamed and jumped into my arms! I have to admit, they scared me and Regan too sometimes! Sneaky things.
And what trip is complete without a visit inside to the Conservatory. Oh how I'd love to take pictures for hours inside the beautiful gardens. My girls (and husband) don't have the patience for me though!

Sidney has now learned proper behavior inside the Sunken Garden and no longer tries to touch, dig in the dirt or pull on the flowers. YEA!

Someone was starting to melt, get a little stubborn, not want her picture taken.