Sunday, February 28, 2010
Family photo
We took a trip to New Ulm to visit the grandparent's, celebrate Grandma Sheri's birthday as well as Paxton's baptism. It was a very busy weekend! And to top it off, Sidney's teething; just look at her rosey cheeks. All 4 eye teeth are making their entrance; two have cut through just the tips and the other two are still little bumps beneath the surface. Poor kid! Poor mommy! Last night she/I were up from 4:30am-6am before finally getting comfortable and going back to sleep.
Art night.
Regan's not real interested in toys. In fact, 3/4's of the toys in our home are never played with. She prefers books and arts so when Santa brought a crayon maker and Uncle Shane/Aunt Amy gave her 3D spin art for her birthday, she was in her glory! We've done a lot of arts/crafts lately and the other night decided to do them both at once. Crayons take 30-40 minutes to make so you can imagine how many pieces of art from spin art we created :) {Pardon the blury photo, had to turn off the flash}
My big helper!
The other day I had brought up a basket of laundry to fold and while vaccumming the bedrooms, Regan started in on the laundry! She had separated out the socks and started folding the wash cloths, all on her own. I only noticed it when she ran past me with a pile of clothes and was putting them away! What a wonderful helper she is :) Now if only she remembers this in 10 years.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Those curls are coming!
I know I've been saying this for a very long time, but at some point, Sidney's curls will last longer than bathtime! Tonight Regan was styling Sidney's hair in the tub and both girls forgot to pay attention to the bubbler who just kept spitting out bubbles behind Sidney! Made for a great picture with mountains of bubbles and crazy hair!
Tonight was Regan's final class of the winter session at TAGS gymnastics! She was awarded a ribbon for participation and each child had a little "ta da!" moment! It was pretty cute; unfortunately I was chasing after Sidney and had no time for photos. The next session starts next week already so Regan doesn't quite understand why she got a ribbon; tough one to explain. She's doing well in class, able to master some of the 'tricks' and working hard on others. Practicing gymnastics inside our house isn't easy so for now, we'll just encourage practice at TAGS.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Stuck in the snow
**UPDATE: I had a minor error in the link; it's been working for me tonight. Good luck! Worth the wait on this one :)
Anyone remember Randy from "A Christmas Story?"; Regan looked a lot like him today! Thank goodness I had my camera.
Sorry I was forced to link this to YouTube; wonderful blogger is not uploading my video tonight. Hope it works this way!
Click the link, then type "Stuck in the snow" and click search.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Regan's 4th Birthday!
Today Regan turned 4 years old! To celebrate, both mom and dad stayed home from work to do fun 4 year old things! We started off the morning with Regan's birthday surprise...a trip to Build A Bear where she picked out Hello Kitty wearing a Belle dress :) That's our girl!
After nap and a few presents at home, we headed to the birthday gathering spot...Chuck E Cheese!
Regan is pretty excited to be 4 years old! She said it was a GREAT birthday! She was a little sad though realizing her legs are still short; she said this "but mom, I still don't touch the ground" {apparently she thought that by turning 4, her legs would instantly touch the ground while she was in her car seat}!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Valentine's Day!
Here's hoping everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day. We sure did!, spent the entire day together, making breakfast, going bowling and having a fire tonight before bed while we watched the Olympics! It was truly a wonderful day!
Regan showing off her heart shaped pancakes
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Big sister wannabe
Birthday party!
Regan celebrated her 4th birthday today! She was a little confused/upset because she knows we're going to Chuck E Cheese on her actual birthday and couldn't understand why we were having a party at home today. She got over it quickly! She loved having all the company (espeically holding baby Paxton), eating yummy food (especially cotton candy ice cream) and opening presents (too many to mention)!
Valentine's Day parties!

The girls each had their Valentine's Day parties at school yesterday; Sidney is finally old enough that her class now has parties too! We supplied some of the cupcakes, let's just say we won't claim that to any of the parents. Those kids were SOOOO messy! We don't normally go to school on Fridays and Sidney wasn't real happy about being there so she insisted on sitting on my lap the whole time, making sure I wasn't going to leave. Amazingly I fit in that pint sized chair without breaking it!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
17 months old
Sunday, February 07, 2010
Friday, February 05, 2010
Snow, snow and more snow
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
Growing up
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