The Vikes pulled off another win, but not without scaring us with a potential loss today. Thankfully both girls had just woken up from their nap or we would've woke them with our screaming/cheering! Both were well prepared for the day's game decked out in their cute outfits!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Fashion Show!
It's a rainy Friday morning, so Regan and I decided to hold a fashion show! Aunt Vicky had bought her this 5 ft dressing room a very long time ago. Well, a 5 ft toy sounds overwhelming so this is the first time it came out of the box! I put it together, got excited for our show, and then my little diva wouldn't come out onto the runway! Little stinker; she likes being inside tents. We had fun anyway.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Look who's walking!!
Although crawling is still her favored mode of transportation, Sidney is definately perfecting her walking skills! She has gone up to 30 steps without falling. Unfortunately, she's still pretty wobbly and falls easily; I wish I could put a helmet on her and let her go! The video was from tonight at the park on a slight hill; I apologize for the unsteadiness of the camera, she was going right towards Ryan so he had to catch her while taping.
Sunday, September 20, 2009

Hermann fun
I, along with both grandmas took the girls to Hermann Monument (otherwise known as "Hermann the German" to all those from New Ulm) while Ryan golfed (and drank!) the morning/afternoon away. Regan has been asking to see this thing up close for a very long time, and given that it was the 2000th (yes, two thousand year) celebration/anniversary, it was the perfect time for a trip up to the top! Here's some photos of us along the way.

A weekend in New Ulm
We spent the weekend in New Ulm and had a great time. Sidney had her 1 year pics taken on Friday and did so well, especially considering her stranger anxiety. I can't wait to get the proofs. Saturday I took the girls, along with both grandmas up to the top of Hermann Monument (that will be another post). We spent some time playing at the park and going for dinner at Stueber's beautiful house before the fireworks display at night. It was a busy weekend but both girls did great and always love the attention from all the grandparents!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Thanks Uncles Ben and Jon!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Official stats
We had her 1 year appointment today, boy is she a drama queen! The doctor hadn't even touched her and she was crying! She cried throughout the entire exam, and we all know it doesn't hurt when a doctor listens to your lungs or heart! But Sidney just kept on crying. Poor thing! You can imagine what it was like when it was time for shots! The bad news of the appointment is that the doctor has figured out Sidney is having night terrors. These are much worse than a nightmare and completely explains her inconsolable crying at night. It's sad news because there isn't much we can do to help her, she's essentially asleep when she's screaming/crying and she can't wake up, in fact, we're told not to wake her during a terror. The docs recommendation is to wake her before the anticipated episode, which has been at 10:30pm every night. Who wants to wake a sleeping baby? not us. But who wants to watch helplessly as she screams/cries/thrashes about? not us. Lesser of two evils I guess. So if anyone has any personal experiences or recommendations, we're open to anything at this point. We just pray they don't last long and they don't recur very frequently.
As for her stats, she now weighs in at 19 lbs 10 oz (25th percentile) and is 28 inches long (17th percentile). Her melon puts her in the 63rd percentile....she's got lots of brains up there!
Sidney's TV debut!
Click the link above, wait through the commercial and you'll see Sidney's TV Debut from last week :)
Sunday, September 13, 2009
We had Sidney's first birthday party today! She had a wonderful time :) It's overwhelming when we have nearly 20 people in our tiny little house but eventually she warmed up to everyone. She loved her dinner but amazingly, didn't want much to do with her very own cake!? I think she would've rather had a Mr. Freeze for dessert; silly girl :)
Thanks to everyone who came to help her celebrate!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
This is what trouble looks like!
I was putting Regan to bed for nap this afternoon and realized Sidney was being a little too quiet. Come to find out she's enjoying watching the toilet paper unravel onto the floor. What a stinker!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Fun day!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
One year ago....
One year ago today at 7:30am, I debated going into work. One year ago today at 9am, I was having some major back pains throughout a morning meeting. One year ago today at 10:50am, my water my office! And what does a girl do when her water breaks in her office while wearing a dress? She sits down on her garbage can. Ryan still laughs saying he would've broke the garbage :)
As for what happened after that, I quickly called my coworker to get my some towels, Ryan to come join me at the hospital and my mom to bring Regan home from the park to help Ryan grab our hospital bags! Thankfully I work in the hospital that I delivered Sidney and 4 hours after my water broke, she was born!
Here's a look back at day one
Happy 1st Birthday My Dear Sidney!
As for what life is like with a one year old, well, she cruises all over the furniture; eats anything that isn't baby food; drinks from a sippy cup; still wakes at night to drink a bottle (I'm open to any tips on this one that don't include "let her cry it out"); loves to play with people and sometimes toys; naps like a champ; still dislikes car rides; loves to swing at the park; and most importantly, is our snuggle bug and loves to give hugs and kisses!
Monday, September 07, 2009
Happy 1st Birthday!
well, almost. Since Uncle Ben and Uncle Jon were in town for the weekend, we decided to celebrate Sidney's first birthday at the lake. Ben seems to like it when kids dive into their cake so we let Sidney go crazy on her cupcake and she made a MESS! Despite his efforts, she didn't mash it in her hair---thank goodness!
Lake Darling, Alexandria
We spent part of this gorgeous Labor Day weekend at Lake Darling in Alexandria with some family. It was a great time and the girls really enjoyed themselves! Regan went fishing off the dock and caught her very first fish! She was so scared to see the fish dangling on the end of her line that she handed the pole over to me immediately! And she was speechless, which if you know Regan, know that rarely happens! Sidney went on her first boat ride, she wasn't real sure about it, but the second time out she about fell asleep in my arms. The ducks and paddleboats were other favorites for Regan; mom and dad enjoyed being on the jet skis on the lake!
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
37 years of love...

My parents celebrated their anniversary today, well, thanks to me they actually remembered it was today :) My mom sent me this photo, it's her riding my grandpa's Cushman moped....keep in mind this thing is an antique!! And this is how they celebrated! (my brother and I keep saying it's a crazy couple with too much time on their hands thanks to early retirement!).
I wonder if this is what Ryan and I will be doing after 37 years?
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