Monday, March 30, 2009
Easter Eggs!
Friday, March 27, 2009
"Puppy Meal"
Regan insists that her McDonald's cash register rings up "puppy meal" instead of "Happy Meal". Guess you can tell how often she actually has been to McDonald's!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Feeding Sidney
Monday, March 23, 2009
6 month appointment

Sunday, March 22, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
A night with the Schwartz's
After our night at the waterpark (and a trip to the UMD Bulldog shop), we headed to Kari and Ryan's house for possibly our last trip to Mahtowa (Ryan just got a new job!). Thankfully they're moving closer, not further away because the kids sure love playing together --probably as much as we love visiting with each other. Sidney started to feel pretty crummy and by the time we got home tonight, we went straight to Urgent Care. Turns out she has the start of an ear infection, but it's making her so miserable the "gunk" is coming out of her eyes. Poor thing. You wouldn't have known it before today though, she was her usual smiley self :)
Room with a view
Our hotel room description said "lakeview", so we figured it would be some dinky room with a glimpse of Lake Superior...but much to our surprise, we had a beautiful view of the lake and all that goes in to being in Duluth :)
Regan and Sidney enjoyed some sisterly bonding time on the bed watching cartoons in the morning too!

We took the girls to the Waterpark in Duluth on Thursday and had a wonderful time! It was incredibly busy so Sidney had a blast just watching the kids play. It only took Regan about 30 minutes to warm up to the splashing, bells and screaming kids; after that, she was right at home and having a great time! She got so brave at one point that she told me just to wait at the bottom and she could go down the slide all by herself :) Kari and Natalie were able to join us for a few hours too and we had so much fun playing in the water with them!
Holding her bottle
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Baby chicks and ducks!

I love Logan!
New foods

Thursday, March 12, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Sidney and Regan

I was looking through pictures tonight and noticed I had taken a picture of both girls around the same age in the exersaucer. We're noticing that the girls share many of the same features (nose and mouth especially) but they have many differences (eyes and head shape) too. They're both adorable though!
Notice something missing?
6 months old!

At 6 months old, Sidney's been testing our diaper changing abilities. In the last 2 days, during 3 diaper changes, she has decided to pee the second the old diaper comes off but before the new one is in place! The first time was when Grandma Sheri was changing her and later dad was telling Grandma that she just wasn't fast enough. Not long after that, Sidney did it to daddy!!! Take that!, we all thought :) Then tonight, she decided to give it to mom; good thing it was bath night.
We take her for her 6 month appointment in a couple of weeks so stay tuned for her stats, she's definately growing!
Monday, March 09, 2009
A conversation with Regan
So the girl definately takes after me with her love to chat. However, we're not sure who"Marlys" is or what she actually looks like. Regan's had a thing lately for coming up with imaginary friends; first there was Comis, then some other crazy name that I can't even remember, and tonight Marlys appeared. The best part, is that Regan picked up an accent at some point in her 3 short years so when she says "dark", or "mark" or "Marlys", she sounds like she's from the UK! Here's the video....enjoy :)
Friday, March 06, 2009

We headed outside today to enjoy the wonderful temps and test out the new Peek A Roo carrier cover. Sidney had a blast watching Regan play in the snow and puddles; she just kept kicking her tiny legs wanting so badly to join her big sister. The Peek A Roo works wonderfully and kept her nice and cozy warm. It will be even better in the spring when we don't have to put a coat on top of it. She was so adorable with just her little head poking through the hole!
Sidney laughing
I went to clean up Sidney after dinner last night and she thought I was hilarious! Ryan shot this video from across the table; her laugh is priceless :)
Monday, March 02, 2009
Rub a dub dub
my girls are in the tub! I attempted bathing the girls together last night, but it didn't go so well. It will be a while before Sidney's ready for all the action that Regan creates in the tub! Not to mention that she's so tiny in the bath seat and it doesn't work well in our tub so she ends up floating away!
Sunday, March 01, 2009
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