The weather is in the 30's today so we couldn't resist taking Regan outside to play. That was, of course, after the biggest ice chunk in the history of ice chunks fell off our chimney bounced on the shingles before landing on the side of the house, scared the daylights out of me and woke Regan from her peaceful nap. With that out of the way, we had loads of fun making snowmen and penguins! Papa and Grandma Jan are on their way back from TX right now and dreading this weather, but it's not so bad we promise :) Can't you see the sun shining?
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Cute hat...
We ordered this hat for Sidney, based on having one for Regan when she was little. It arrived last Monday with the wrong spelling. I called in and on Friday, a second hat arrived.....again spelled Sydney! I called in again and we're now awaiting one with the correct spelling. So if anyone knows of a little girl-Sydney, let me know as I have TWO adorable hats!
Friday, January 30, 2009

So this morning we headed to the mall to get out of the 4 walls of the boring house. I was feeding Sidney a bottle and letting Regan run around the stage area at the middle of Southdale Mall. She looked over (about 100 yards away) and said "hey mom, I see Santa". To which I replied, "no honey, Santa's not here this time"; figuring she was referring to the place Santa is set up during the holidays. I glanced up and, much to my surprise, there was Santa at the Qwest kiosk!! He saw her looking at him and gave a little wave! A few moments later, he appeared right in front of her and asked if she liked all of the toys he brought her at Christmas! It was so cute :) Then he handed her this picture and said he'd bring an extra toy for her next year because she's a big sister! The whole experience definately made her day!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Yes Ryan, I am only 12
So I am being sent home from work today. What for?, you might ask.... Pink eye! Ryan asked me if I was 12, because who gets pink eye when they are 30!! Especially when you can't blame it on your kid! So home we will go. I can't say I mind though :) An extra day off with my girls! I think it'll be a nice day to hit the mall!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Another try...
...another failure. It's been 5 days since we first tried to give Sidney cereal. We tried again tonight, but this time we mixed it with sweet potatoes. Well, she still won't eat it. She gagged and we quickly gave up. The girl spits up enough, we don't need to be force feeding her. We'll give it at least another 5 days before we try again, maybe longer :(
Monday, January 26, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
Happy Brithday!
to me :) Yesterday I joined the 3rd decade was bittersweet. Everyone keeps telling me the 30's are great and 40's are even better. I hope they're right! I got lots of flowers, food and great presents! Ryan even cleaned some of the house without me nagging!!
Unfortunately, Sidney had her 4 month check up yesterday so I spent part of the afternoon crying as she got her shots. Thankfully she did much better this time around. Her new pediatrician said "she's perfect"! She's in the 50th percentile for height and weight; 24.5 inches long and 13.45 oz. Considering Regan was always in the 75th-97th percentiles, Sidney seems like a peanut to us! The best part of the visit was learning we can finally start feeding her baby food. I think Sidney will be the most happy out of any of us, now she can join us at the table rather than just sadly watching everyone's fork go into their mouths.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Lions and Tigers and Bears....
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

More fun!

While Grandma Jan and Papa bask in the warm sun of Texas, Grandpa and Grandma Friederich took an extra Monday watching the girls. Hunter even got to come along because of the school holiday so Regan was in her glory with the extra attention! Sidney gave everyone a run for their money with her enormous blow-out; grandma swears it was up to her neck! Grandpa got Sidney to sleep in his arms and followed my golden rule "ye who gets her to sleep, gets to hold her while she sleeps". Who doesn't love holding a sleeping baby?
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Sidney did it
Friday, January 16, 2009
Sidney talking
We love to hear Sidney's adorable voice as she talks to whoever (or whatever sometimes) is listening!
Mommy's little helpers
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Centennial Baby
Follow the link above, click on "November 10" and you can watch Sidney's recognition as a Richfield Centennial Baby. If you want to fast forward throug the beginning her name is announced at about 8 1/2 minutes into the program. If you have the time to watch the beginning, you can see me struggle to feed her a bottle and hear Regan talking throughout the woman's reading....
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Snug as a bug!

Sidney's teachers took this adorable picture of her at school this week. She's done really well. Today her note home said she spent a lot of time "snuggling with Ashley" one of her teachers ! We know she gets a lot of attention there; they all love her as much as we do!
As for Regan, well, she definately likes her school. Today when I told her we were driving home, she said "not home, I want to go back to school!". She was excited tonight telling us all about her day and learning about Tiger sharks.
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
First day of school!
Friday, January 02, 2009
Big girl
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