With the end of the pre-season and start of the regular season upon us, Regan got prepared by dressing in her favorite Vikings outfit! If she's anything like her mother, she'll be their biggest fan (despite their latest issues with the law)!!
Last weekend we headed out to Elk River (aka: middle of nowhere, MN) for an end of the summer party! Regan got to meet some of mom's college friends and enjoyed all the attention she got!
Regan made her first trip to the Minnesota State Fair on August 25th. She slept through most of the day, but woke up enough to see what the state fair was all about!
Regan gave dad the cutest face as he sat and ate lunch with her, we wanted so badly to give her a bit of something more exciting than pureed pears! Dad and Regan danced to a song later that night, and she was in her glory!!
Regan has yet to actually sleep in her crib :) Although she's no longer sleeping in mom and dad's bed, she just laughs when we put her in her own crib. So for now, it's the pack n play. But at least she's sleeping!
....or in this case, it vibrates too! Regan gets a kick out of her vibrating oinking pig. She sits so well that we have a hard time giving her tummy time lately. She loves to play with all of her toys.
Regan is 6 months old now!! If the next 6 months go as fast as these first 6 months did, she's going to be a year old before we know it! She's such a joy to us and we continue to learn something new everyday (for instance, we learned this week that she likes to fake cough to get attention!). What a sweetheart!
Regan likes to sit and read the Sunday flyers with mom; guess we have another shopper in the family! She helps turn the pages but also likes to try and eat them!
Regan got a new dress from grandma Sheri and it's just adorable on her :) She likes to sit in her glider and have her picture taken! It's so cute, she instantly will smile when mom puts her in the glider; guess she knows it's picture time!
Regan started sitting alone on July 26th but has perfected this task and can now play for about 3-5 minutes while sitting! She loves this new view of the world but occassionally takes a topple to the side so mom and dad are never very far away!
Regan loves to play in the activity center! She's getting good at pushing all the buttons (although occassionally still likes to push them with her forehead!). She can scoot aka: walk, herself around the table too, but it might take a few minutes.
Regan was exhausted at the end of a long day playing! She actually fell asleep in dad's arms, and for those of you that know Regan, know that this isn't like her! He was in heaven being able to hold her and just watch TV!
Regan got her first meal of sweet potatoes this week! She made some interesting faces and we thought she was going to jump out of her chair at one point because she was jumping around with each bite (we think out of disgust!). She's doing better with it now and getting used to those funny tastes! Next week we'll try a new meal!
The recent 100 degree temps had us staying cool inside for most of last weekend! We did get a chance to test out Regan's new pool in the backyard, but it was hard just to breathe outside!