Regan has been a very happy girl lately! She smiles whenever someone talks to her or even looks at her :) She's been laughing a lot too. She thought this hat was pretty funny to wear and mom got some good giggles out of her on Monday!
Regan had a bath at Grandma Sheri's house last weekend in her big girl bath chair! She liked sitting up, but mom found it harder to wash those chubby legs!
New Ulm held it's very first Bavarian Blast and Regan was there to see it all unfold! Though it was a little steamy, it was fun dancing to the polka music! Although she looks a bit grumpy in this picture, she really was a happy camper the whole day!
Yesterday was a big day for Regan; she finally rolled over! We are so proud of her :) She went from her tummy (like in this picture) to her back. She managed to do it a total of 6 times! We clapped and cheered when she finished and she just looked at us with her silly smile! Let's hope she remembers how to roll over and continues to do it!
Regan turned 5 months on Saturday. She weighs around 16 lbs and is about 27 inches long! She's pretty tall for her age....we're not real certain where that comes from?! Currently she's learning how to sit unassisted and is getting better at pushing up with her arms during the dreadful "tummy time". She'd prefer to stand holding onto mom's finger than lay on her tummy! She's so interactive and we often just sit and stare at each other exchanging giggles!
Thank goodness for softball tournaments and swimming pools! Regan and mom ventured into a hotel swimming pool for the 2nd time this weekend between softball games (it was 100F outside so the pool felt great!). Regan had fun swimming with her cousins Logan and Hunter Ahlness.
Regan now fits into her 6 month clothes and it has opened up a lot of doors in terms of her wardrobe! Here are her newest pj's, which are just too cute!
It's been a fun week! Regan will be 5 months old on Saturday, I can't belive how fast time flies. Regan continues to eat rice cereal everyday and seems to enjoy it! She gives us lots of smiles and loves to talk. The best is when we put the cereal into her mouth and she decides it's time to talk. I guess she hasn't mastered the rule 'no talking with food in your mouth'.
Although she couldn't quite make it long enough to watch the fireworks, Regan was quite festive in her 4th of July outfit! We did make it to the Richfield 4th of July celebration to see all the rides and listen to music!
Regan was baptized on May 21st at Christ the King in Minneapolis. Surrounded by lots of family, it was a wonderful day. Regan had no problems with the water, although church lasted a little too long for her liking!
Hello and welcome to Regan's blog! On February 15, 2006 we were blessed with the birth of a beautiful baby girl! She came into this world 4 weeks early weighing 6 lbs 13 oz. She surprises us everyday with her smiles, laughes and ability to light up the room!